Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Expertise and quality, and the continuous evolution of our products guarantee the highest levels of excellence in today’s and tomorrow's Anesthesia and Resuscitation.

Atraumatic Spinal Needle

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Atraumatic Spinal Needle

Atraumatic introduction, prevents from post puncture headaches. Sizes - G 20 — 26. Sterile. Validity period – 5 years. Package/box quantity – 50/1000 pcs.

Berman Oral Airway Kits

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Berman Oral Airway Kits

Oral Airway Kits include a range of sizes in 6, 7, or 8-piece kits for convenience. These oral airways are polypropylene and feature a smooth, non-brittle finish that permits easy insertion with a reinforced bite block to prevent airway collapse.

Central Venous Catheter Kits

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Central Venous Catheter Kits

Intended for central venous catheterization according to the Seldinger method. Atraumatic metallic conductor with a J-shaped tip prevents the vessel wall from injury. Sizes 14 G – 22 G.

Central Venous Catheter VENOFLEX

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Central Venous Catheter VENOFLEX

Long-term introduction of medicines, carrying out parenteral feeding, invasive monitoring of blood pressure.

Endotracheal tube type “Murphy”

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Endotracheal tube type “Murphy”

Size ID 3.0 — 9.5 cuffed, ID 2.0 — 4.5 uncuffed. Low pressure cuff. Radiopaque line. Validity period - 5 years. Package quantity -10/100 pcs.

Enteral feeding system

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Enteral feeding system

Intended for use in intensive care units during catheter nutrition support. Package quantity – 30 pcs.


Anaesthesiology and resuscitation


Components: Tuohy needle G 16, 18, epidural catheter with spiral connector, plane bacterial viral filter. Individual sterile package. Package/box quantity – 30/360 pcs.

Epidural Kit MAXISET

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Epidural Kit MAXISET

Intended for epidural (peridural) anesthesia. Individual sterile plastic package. . Package/box quantity – 1/20 pcs.

Epidural Needle, Tuohy type

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Epidural Needle, Tuohy type

Sizes G 16, 18. Markings on the needle throughout the length to control the exact depth of insertion. Division value 1 cm. Tuohy bevel. Sterile. Apyrogenic and nontoxic. Validity period – 5 years. Package/box quantity – 50/1000 pcs.

Fenestrated Tracheostomy tubes with Disposable Inner Cannulas

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Fenestrated Tracheostomy tubes with Disposable Inner Cannulas

Size ID 5.0 — 10.0 cuffed, ID 5.0 — 10.0 uncuffed. A dual cannula tracheostomy tube consists of the outer cannula, and 2 inner cannulas disposable - one with fenesatration and one without. Free-angle swayable oscillating connector. Push-click locking device

Spinal Needle, Quincke Point, SPINEX

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Spinal Needle, Quincke Point, SPINEX

Double-angle point. Sizes G 18 — 26. Sterile. Fabricated from surgical steel. Needle length 90±1 mm. Package/box quantity – 25/500 pcs.

Suction Catheter With Mucus Extractor

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Suction Catheter With Mucus Extractor

Intended for aspiration of the contents from the airways of a newborn . The transparen tcontainer with graduation for assessment of the nature and volume of discharge, container volume 25 ml.

Suction catheter with vacuum control, type KAPKON, type VAKON

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Suction catheter with vacuum control, type KAPKON, type VAKON

Size according to Charriere's scale CH/FR 5 — 18. Open distal end, 2 lateral eyes. Catheter length 40±2 сm. Validity period – 5 years. Package/ box quantity– 100/1000 pcs.

Tracheostomy tube

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Tracheostomy tube

Size ID 5.0 — 9.0 cuffed, ID 3.0 — 4.5 uncuffed. Stylette and neck band included. Validity period – 5 years. Package quantity – 10/100 pcs. Does not contain phthalates. Radiopaque line is built into the tube wall.

Tracheostomy tubes with Disposable Inner Cannulas

Anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Tracheostomy tubes with Disposable Inner Cannulas

Size ID 5.0 — 10.0 cuffed, ID 5.0 — 10.0 uncuffed. A dual cannula tracheostomy tube consists of the outer cannula, and 2 inner cannulas disposable. Free-angle swayable oscillating connector. Push-click locking device

Products for anaesthesiology, intensive care, resuscitation and emergency aid departments. The group includes endotracheal tubes, auxiliary materials for artificial pulmonary ventilation and endotracheal anesthesia, oxygen therapy, products and kits for local anesthesia (spinal, epidural, combined spinal-epidural anesthesia). This group also includes products used for catheterization of the gastrointestinal tract and tools for enteral feeding. All Biometrix products are color-coded in accordance with the international standard.
