
Gastroenterology is the branch of medical science which deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the organs from mouth to anus. The specialists in this field use many different types of tubes and catheters for different purposes. These tubes are inserted into the non-sterile cavities of the body.

Duodenal Catheter


Duodenal Catheter

Intended for duodenal intubation with treatment and diagnostic aims. Sizes Ch/Fr 18-24. Radiopaque line. Sterile. Total tube length 125±2 cm. Validity period – 5 years. Package/box quantity 20/320pcs -25/400 pcs.

Feeding tube


Feeding tube

Intended for enteral feeding.

Stomach tube


Stomach tube

Intended for gastric intubation with treatment and diagnostic aims. Sizes Ch/Fr 6-32. Radiopaque line. Sterile. Total tube length 76±2 сm, 110±2 cm. Atraumatic distal tip, 4 lateral eyes. Validity period – 5 years.
