Stomach tube

Intended for gastric intubation with treatment and diagnostic aims. Sizes Ch/Fr 6-32. Radiopaque line. Sterile. Total tube length 76±2 сm, 110±2 cm. Atraumatic distal tip, 4 lateral eyes. Validity period – 5 years.

Purchase product with Medical Authorization Letter


  • distal end of the tube is rounded and carefully machined for atraumatic intubation


  • sterile, for single use
  • fabricated from transparent biocompatible polyvinylchloride
  • thermoplastic material softens under the influence of surrounding tissues’ temperature
  • total tube length 76±2 сm, 110±2 cm
  • graduation starting from the distal end is placed: first one – 46 cm, second – 56 cm, third – 66 cm, fourth – 76 (for tube 110 cm long)
  • open tip, 4 lateral eyes
  • validity period – 5 years

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